Community Meetings

Rich Desmond
70​0 H Street, Suite​ 2450
Sacramento, CA 95814

​​If you have any questions about these meetings, please email or call (916) 874-5471​​

Please re-visit this page for future meeting information!​​

Thank you to those who attended one of my series of Community Meetings on economic development and land use. At these meetings, we discussed highlights and achievements within the County, including transportation - the five major highways, four county-operated airports, and one central port. Labor and Workforce - 795,310 civilian labor force, 33.1% labor force with a Bachelor’s degree, and 19 universities and colleges. Additionally, the top ten industries in the County, ranging from health care and social assistance to transportation and warehousing.​

Thank you to those who attended one of my series of Community Meetings on economic development and land use. At these meetings, we discussed highlights and achievements within the County, including transportation - the five major highways, four county-operated airports, and one central port. Labor and Workforce - 795,310 civilian labor force, 33.1% labor force with a Bachelor’s degree, and 19 universities and colleges. Additionally, the top ten industries in the County, ranging from health care and social assistance to transportation and warehousing.​