
​About Supervisor​ Patrick Kennedy

Patrick Kennedy, a fourth generation Sacramentan, was first elected to represent District 2 on the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors in June, 2014. He was re-elected in 2018 and 2022.

As a member of the Board of Supervisors, Patrick is a leader on Homeless issues, law enforcement oversight and reforms, affordable housing, mental and behavioral health, climate action, flood protection, and transit. He serves on the following boards and commissions (partial list):

  • Sacramento Regional Transit District
  • Sacramento County Mental Health Board
  • Sacramento County Medical Authority Commission
  • Sacramento Area Council of Governments
  • Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency
  • Sacramento Regional Sanitation District
  • Sacramento Employment and Training Agency
  • Sacramento Transportation Authority
  • First 5 Sacramento
  • Sacramento Fair Housing Commission
  • Delta Counties Coalition
  • Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
  • Sacramento City / County 2X2 on Homelessness
  • Sacramento County Homeless Policy Council
  • Regional Water Authority

Prior to his election to the board, Patrick served on the Sacramento City Unified School District Board of Education from 2008 to 2014. Among his many accomplishments on the school board, he started the Healthy Foods Task Force, enabling thousands of school children, particularly those from very low income households, to eat healthier and locally sourced meals at breakfast lunch and dinner throughout the year.  He led efforts to develop one of the nation's most far-reaching anti-bullying policies and transgendered student​ policies.  He also chaired the successful bond campaigns, Measures Q and R, to raise $410 Million to improve Sacramento's schools and student health.

In addition to his service on the School Board, Patrick has been a member of the California Bar since 2003, specializing in the construction industry.

Patrick served on the Sacramento City Planning Commission from 1993 to 2004. He also served on Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency's Oak Park Project Area Committee, the McClellan AFB Reuse Planning Team, and the South Sacramento Regional Transit Alternatives Citizens' Advisory Board and a number of SCUSD committees.

Patrick's long record of community service includes serving as President of the Oak Park Neighborhood Improvement Association, founding president of the Hollywood Park Neighborhood Association, and a Board Member of Sacramento Self Help Housing, The Health Project, the Sacramento History Foundation, and the Historic California Governor's Mansion Foundation.

As Associate Director for Statewide Initiatives for the President of the University of California and the Digital California Project from 2001 to 2004, Patrick advocated for improved technology access for California's K-12 students, bridging the "digital divide" to serve those children with the greatest needs.

From 1991 to 2001, Patrick worked for the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), where he managed a statewide effort to commercialize and promote battery powered, zero emission vehicles.

While receiving his degree in Government from Sacramento State University, Patrick worked for former State Treasurer Phil Angelides and U.S. Representative Robert Matsui.  He later attended law school at night while raising a young family, graduating from Lincoln Law School of Sacramento in 2001.

Patrick grew up in Sacramento County's District 2.  He and his wife Judy, an artist and special education teacher, raised their four daughters in Hollywood Park and currently live in the Pocket / Greenhaven neighborhood with their four legged friends, Liffey and Fergus.

​​​District 2


District 2 Map

District 2 ​Map by Zip code​

Community Planning Areas in District 2

South Sacramento


Cities in District 2
